Alliance Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School Once a Titan, Always a Titan

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School Site Advisory Council

School Site Advisory Council Bylaws


Duties of the School Site Advisory Council

The School Site Advisory Council of Alliance Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School, hereinafter referred to as the School Site Advisory Council, shall carry out the following duties:

  • Obtain recommendations for, and review of, the proposed LCAP from all school advisory committees.
  • Develop and approve the LCAP and related categorical expenditures in accordance with all state and federal law and district regulations.
  • Recommend the LCAP and categorical expenditures to the Alliance Governing Board for approval.
  • Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the LCAP with the principal, teachers, and other school staff members.
  • Make modifications to the LCAP whenever the need arises.
  • Submit the modified LCAP for district approval whenever a material change (as defined in district governing board policy) is made in planned activities or related categorical expenditures.
  • Regularly evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all scholars.
  • Carry out all other duties assigned to the School Site Advisory Council by state law.



Section A: Composition (EC 52012 and 52852)

The School Site Advisory Council shall be composed of the following members, the principal, [classroom] teachers elected by other [classroom] teachers, other school personnel elected by other school personnel, parents elected by other parents, in secondary schools scholars elected by the entire student body, and community members elected by such parents. Classroom teachers are the majority on the school staff side. Each member has equal voting rights.

Parents/Community/Student Members 50%

Other School Staff 50%

  • Two to three (2-3) Parents with a child currently enrolled in the school.
  • Parents/community members may not be employed at the school site.
  • One (1) Community Member who may serve jointly as a Parent/Community Member.
  • Scholars must be currently enrolled in the school and shall be elected by the entire student body as ASB Executive Board President and ASB Executive Board Vice President.
  • Principal (automatic member)
  • Three (3) Classroom Teachers
  • One (1) Other School Personnel, such as Counselor or Classified Staff
  • Classroom teachers must be in the majority.

Five (5) Members

Five (5) Members

The principal is responsible for the elections of staff members. All election ballots and result records will be maintained at the school site for five (5) years.

The SSAC shall be constituted to ensure parity. Half of the membership shall be a combination of (a) principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel (staff side); and half shall be (b) parents, or community members elected by the parents and scholars elected by the entire student body (parent/student side). The School Site Advisory Council will be made up of 10 members. 

Parent Members

A parent is a person who is a mother, father or legal guardian of a student attending a particular school, but who is not employed at the school attended by such student. School Site Advisory Council members chosen to represent parents may be employees of the school district so long as they are not employed at the school site (EC 52852).

Classroom Teacher Members

A classroom teacher is defined as an employee of the school whose duties require him/her to provide direct instruction to pupils and has a student roster.

Other School Personnel

Other school personnel are defined as a person who does not provide direct instruction to pupils for the full time for which he/she is employed. This category may include classified staff, non-classroom teachers, and administrative staff other than the principal.

Student Representatives

Any student enrolled at the school with which the School Site Advisory Council is affiliated is eligible to be elected as a student representative. Student Representatives will be the elected ASB Executive Board President and ASB Executive Board Vice President.

Community Members 

A community member is defined as an adult who resides or spends the major portion of each work day within the attendance area of the school; who is neither a student at the school, nor a parent, a member of the staff, administration or classified staff of the school with which the School Site Advisory Council is affiliated or a community member within the district boundaries.

The School Site Advisory Council shall be composed of 10 members selected by their peers, as follows:

  • Classroom teachers (must be the majority of staff composition)
  • Other school personnel
  • Principal
  • Parents or community members
  • Scholars

The school principal shall be an ex officio member of the School Site Advisory Council. The principal shall attend all SSAC meetings; however, only the principal may vote on actions. School Site Advisory Council members chosen to represent parents may be employees of the school district as long as they are not employed at the school site.

Section B: Term of Office

School Site Advisory Council members shall be elected for a 1-year term. Members may be re-elected annually by their stakeholder group.

Section C: Voting Rights

Each member of the School Site Advisory Council is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the School Site Advisory Council. Absentee (proxy) and any electronic votes shall not be permitted.

Section D: Termination of Membership

The School Site Advisory Council may, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all its members, suspend or expel a member for the following reasons:

  • The member can no longer uphold the duties for which they were elected.
  • The (community) member no longer resides in the school’s attendance boundaries.
  • The (parent) member no longer has a student enrolled at the school.

Any elected member may terminate his or her membership by submitting a written letter of resignation to the School Site Advisory Council Chairperson.

Section E: Transfer of Membership

Membership on the School Site Advisory Council may not be assigned or transferred.

Section F: Vacancy

Any vacancy on the School Site Advisory Council occurring during the term of a duly elected member shall be filled by appointment by two-thirds of the School Site Advisory Council for the period of time until the next regular election.



Section A: Officers

The officers of the School Site Advisory Council shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and School Liaison to Alliance Governing Board, and other officers the School Site Advisory Council may deem desirable.

The Chairperson shall:

  • Preside over all SSAC Meetings and ensures they begin and end on time.
  • Collaborate with the principal in developing agendas and reviewing minutes prior to posting.
  • Lead orderly discussions and allow each member to speak
  • May suggest motions as opposed to making motions, may enter discussions to help clarify or summarize
  • Sign all letters, reports, and other communications of the School Site Advisory Council.
  • Perform all duties incident to the office of the Chairperson.
  • Have other such duties as are prescribed by the School Site Advisory Council.

The Vice-Chairperson shall:

  • Represent the Chairperson in assigned duties.
  • Substitute for the Chairperson in their absence.

The Secretary shall:

  • Keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the School Site Advisory Council.
  • Tracks attendance.
  • Maintains an accurate roster of members 
  • Maintains the SSAC notebook (contains meeting record, handouts, etc.) 
  • Ensures that necessary communications go out to officers and members concerning business of interest to either group
  • Perform other such duties as assigned by the Chairperson or the School Site Advisory Council.

The School Liaison to the Alliance Governing Board shall:

  • Attend all Alliance Governing Board Meetings
  • Answers questions posed by the Alliance Governing Board about Stern MASS

Section B: Election and Terms of Office

The officers shall be elected annually, at the first meeting of the School Site Advisory Council, and shall serve for one year, or until each successor has been elected.

Section C: Removal of Officers

Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of all the members.

Section D: Vacancy

A vacancy in any office shall be filled at the earliest opportunity by a special election of the School Site Advisory Council, for the remaining portion of the term of office.



Section A: Sub-committees

The School Site Advisory Council may establish and abolish sub-committees of their own membership to perform duties as shall be prescribed by the School Site Advisory Council. At least one member representing teachers and one member representing parents shall make up the sub-committee. No sub-committee may exercise the authority of the School Site Advisory Council.

Section B: Terms of Office

The School Site Advisory Council shall determine the terms of office for members of a committee.

Section C: Rules

Each committee may adopt rules for its own government not inconsistent with these bylaws or rules adopted by the School Site Advisory Council, or policies of the district governing board.


Meetings of the School Site Advisory Council

Section A: Meetings

The School Site Advisory Council shall meet regularly on the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of each month. Special meetings of the School Site Advisory Council may be called by the chairman or by a majority vote of the School Site Advisory Council. There will be a minimum of 6 meetings per school year.

Section B: Place of Meetings

The School Site Advisory Council shall hold its regular meetings at a facility provided by the school, unless such facility that is accessible to the public, including handicapped persons, is unavailable. Alternate meeting places may be determined by the Chairperson or by majority vote of the School Site Advisory Council.

Section C: Notice of Meetings

Written public notice of all meetings shall be given at least 72 hours in advance of the

Meeting. Changes in the established date, time, or location shall be given special notice. All meetings shall be noticed in a location accessible by the public at the school site. All meetings shall be publicized in the following venues: school website, Main Office, and school communications.

All required notices shall be delivered to School Site Advisory Council and committee members no less than 72 hours, and no more than 7 days in advance of the meeting, personally, or by mail or via email.

Section D: Quorum

The act of the majority of the members present shall be the act of the School Site Advisory Council, provided a quorum is in attendance, and no decision may otherwise be attributed to the School Site Advisory Council. A majority of the members of the School Site Advisory Council (50% plus one) shall constitute a quorum.

No actions may be taken unless a quorum has been established.

Section E: Conduct of Meetings

Meetings of the School Site Advisory Council shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of order established by California Education Code Section 35147 (c). Alliance recommends the use of Robert’s Rules of Order or an adaptation thereof approved by the School Site Advisory Council.

Section F: Meetings Open to the Public

All meetings of the School Site Advisory Council, and of committees established by the School Site Advisory Council, shall be open to the public. Notice of such meetings shall be provided in accordance with Section C of this article. Public input may occur on any item on the current agenda, with prior notification to the chair, not to exceed three (3) minutes per speaker. Per the Greene Act, open public comment must occur before agenda items have been discussed, and can also (optional) take place before the meeting is adjourned.



An amendment of these Bylaws may be made at any regular meeting of the School Site Advisory Council by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present. Written notice of the proposed amendment must be submitted to School Site Advisory Council members at least 3 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered for adoption.

2023-24 School Site Advisory Council Members




Jason Mahoney


[email protected]

Kha Nguyen


[email protected]

Justin Vermillion


[email protected]

Angie Iniguez

Family & Community Specialist

[email protected]

Kenda Haro

ELD Coordinator/ELPC Representative

[email protected]

Julia Padilla

Community Representative

[email protected]

Diana Rodriguez

Community Representative

[email protected]

Beatriz Flores

Community Representative

[email protected]

Jacob Castaneda

Student Representative

[email protected]


Members of the SSAC offer valuable insights and perspectives about how to create effective school programs and a positive learning environment by:

  • Participating in the instructional planning process to ensure the needs of all students are addressed in the LCAP
  • Participating in the decisions of the allocation of resources
  • Improving communication between staff and parents
  • Discussing relevant issues with representatives from the whole school community
  • Gaining valuable feedback and input
  • Distributing leadership to a wider group within the school community


Meeting dates for the 2023-24 school year

  • October 10, 2023 at 4:00 PM - Agenda
  • February 13, 2024
  • March 19, 2024
  • April 9, 2024
  • May 14, 2024